So what makes this a topic for today? Well for anyone in Calgary or Southern Alberta there has been a thirst for information about the floods over the past few days, #abflood or #yycflood. I have found Twitter as ever a good source of up to date information, but supported by a media savvy Mayor the information has been accurate and timely. Not so Alberta Health Services, who panicked water buying by saying there was a boil water advisory, without stating where the advisory covered. It took other agencies to correct the information, on Twitter of course. The messaging on Twitter has been very respectful, with requests not to retweet old information and directing people to further information via links to webpages. Overall this has been a text book use of social media, and the napfornenshi hashtag has provided humour at a serious time.
What about businesses? Well this is where the quality of communication has been very variable, from we're closed, to we need assistance, to we have this service to help you. Is this really the time to be selling? Is this really building your corporate reputation? Especially in Calgary, a city committed to volunteering, where paying it forward is commonly practiced, why would you sell your services at this time? Offering your services for free, such as the food trucks have done, or using your location to communicate the latest developments in your neighbourhood is far more valuable to you in long run, and at this time, is also the right thing to do.
If your business has been affected by the flood and you need help to get the correct message out, I can help you, at no charge.
If your business needs a social medial strategy or a review of your current strategy, please contact me.
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